The Early Stage Start Up Post Funding Playbook

Building a funded start up is a unique experience. If you’re more used to bootstrapping your way to victory then you’ll know that a tight cash position makes that journey a paced one. But what happens when you inject that picture with significant free cashflow? Add millions in fresh funding into the mix and you’d […]
What 1000+ Pitches Have Taught Me about Picking Start Up Winners

The first question any experienced start up investor is often asked is ‘How do you choose which companies to invest in?’ It is a widely known fact that picking out great start ups from the plethora of also rans is a task akin to finding needles in haystacks but having reviewed more than 1,000 pitch […]
Only Digital Now Offers the Job Market the Hope it Needs – It’s Why I’m ‘All In’…

Almost four months ago now, as we first entered the start of the Covid crisis we wrote about how the pandemic would accelerate the adoption of new technology and act to accelerate the sad decline of the ‘old economy.’ It was, on current evidence, an accurate assessment of the state of play. Writing this month […]
The New Golden Age of Digital has Arrived – Why There’s Never Been a Better Time to Start, or Invest in, a Start Up.

The Covid pandemic has changed consumer behaviour and accelerated the adoption of digital in a way not seen since the dawn on the mobile internet. It is, by all accounts, time once again for entrepreneurs to build the next generation of unicorns. Some experts are describing this new era, brought about by the acceleration in […]
The Start Up Call to Arms > It’s Time to (Re)Build our Economy

Things will never be the same again. It’s a phrase often used but rarely in history has it meant as much as it does right now. Yes, we are aware of the current health crisis and the economic one which will surely follow, but few have truly grasped just how seismic the drastic change in […]
Covid-19 – What Comes Next? Why the Pandemic Will Usher in a New World.

Back in the early 2000s, just as the internet was gaining traction, the world’s foremost futurists were talking of a ‘new economy’; a ‘structural shift’ that would change the way we live forever. It was a statement that all but the most forward looking and technically minded individuals poopooed. But as Covid-19 wreaks havoc around […]
7 Ways Start Ups Can Manage, Lead and Prosper During the Coronavirus Crisis

If you’re reading this and you run a company, then the last couple of weeks have been tough. But, in the same breath, it is also true that the best businesses really are built during times of crisis and recession. . The question is how do you, attempt at least, to learn the lessons of […]
Keeping Momentum – Why Adding Mass & Speed is the Secret to Growing BIG!

This post is part of a series of posts designed to throw the covers off the start-up to scale-up process, sharing real world lessons from that very journey by Simon Penson. In part one of this series I wrote about the importance of both consistency of delivery and velocity as being the two critical characteristics […]
Start Up Scaling > Our Tried and Tested Recipe for Success

What I’ve Learned from 10 Years as a Successful Founder (Part Three)… Below is part three of an ongoing series of raw and honest posts, designed to share stories directly from our own personal experiences of start-up success. They are a little rough around the edges but full of real world advice. In part three […]
Why Culture Trumps Everything in Scaling your Start Up.

What I’ve Learned from 10 Years as a Successful Founder (Part Two)… Below is part two of an ongoing series of raw and honest posts, designed to share stories directly from our own personal experiences of start-up success. They are a little rough around the edges but full of real world advice. In this article […]